Le 9 janvier 2024, la France a dévoilé son Pavillon pour l’Expo 2025 Osaka

Le Pavillon France de l’Exposition universelle Osaka 2025 a été dévoilé ce 9 janvier dans les salons du Quai d’Orsay, sous le haut patronage du Président de la République. L’exposition se tiendra du 13 avril au 13 octobre 2025, sur le thème « Concevoir la société du futur, imaginer notre vie de demain » 

Voir la présentation en vidéo

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A Think Tank dedicated to the French Pavilion

«Connecting Minds» is the Think Tank dedicated to the French Pavilion, in order to inform debate and discussion around the three sub-themes of Expo 2020 - Mobility, Sustainability, Opportunity - and aims to showcase French know-how and technologies in the area of transforming cities and territories in order to serve citizens.

The first working groups :

• Sustainable innovation

• Connected education

• Territories, companies and talents

• Education 4.0

• Multimodal mobility platform

• Autonomous and connected mobility

• The store of tomorrow

• New payment methods as a mobility tool

• Renewable energies X.0 in the territories of tomorrow

• The 360° city: service performance

• The circular economy


The floor is given to the youth 

At the heart of this universal Think Tank is youth. Each of the themes submitted for discussion will be led by a group of young people aged 20 to 25, from a wide variety of different backgrounds, regions and academic or professional environments.


The "Dubai notebooks"

The «Dubai notebooks», restitution in various forms (reports, publications, videos, etc.) will enrich the content and programming of the France Pavilion during the Universal Exhibition.



The first Think Tank meetings

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